Friday, January 22, 2010

Perfume ads

Does anybody else miss those super random perfume ads of the 90s? This one is a true gem.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


We've all thought about the fate of Earth and the Sun, and maybe started to think about the fate of galaxies, but what about the fate of matter, space, and time?

Turns out that matter might all degrade in 10E100 years. A googol. Ha.

Watch this video as it takes you through the many cycles of time. Very cool.

Oh Bjork

Classic Bjork video. All is full of love. Trippy robot make-out session. Oh my.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Return to the Moon

Here is a show on Hulu that highlights some of the current and upcoming lunar missions. Very cool! 17 mins.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Pop in 2009

Here's a mashup of most of the major hits of 2009. A little Black Eyed Peas heavy, but what can you do!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

They did it!

They just had the opening ceremonies for the Burj Dubai, now called the Burj Khalifa. They had fireworks like crazy. Watch this video from Reuters of the ceremonies (remember that this building is 2 times the size of the empire state building. Like nearly 160 floors.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Harbin Ice Festival

Every winter, the city of Harbin in Northern China hosts an ice festival, where over 10,000 people gather to carve and stack ice into an enormous lit city. Amazing!